Empat Wanita Paling Berkekaya di Indonesia: Mengelola Tambang dan Data Center

Empat Wanita Paling Berkekaya di Indonesia: Mengelola Tambang dan Data Center

Daftar Isi

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The wealth of conglomerates continues to grow as the calendar year comes to an end. This also applies to several Indonesian conglomerates who have made it to Forbes’ list of the richest people in the world.

The richest people from Indonesia include Barito Group boss Prajogo Pangestu, Djarum Group owner Hartono brothers, and MD Entertainment boss Manoj Punjabi.

Among the male-dominated conglomerate ranks, there are also several richest women. They are known to have billions of US dollars in wealth and reach trillions of rupiah.

Their wealth comes from various fields, including coal, palm oil, and data centers.

So, who are the richest women in Indonesia today? According to Forbes and various other sources, here is a list of the richest Indonesian women.

Wirastuty Fangiono

Wirastuty Fangiono is known to have a wealth of US$1.2 billion or Rp19.10 trillion. She controls the palm oil company PT FAP Agri Tbk. (FAPA), which went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2021.

The company was founded in 1994 and currently has concessions of more than 110,000 hectares of palm oil plantations nationwide.

She also owns shares in First Resources, a palm oil company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange led by her brother, Ciliandra.

Marina Budiman

Marina Budiman is one of the richest women in Indonesia, with a wealth of US$1.4 billion (Rp22.29 trillion). She is the President Commissioner of PT DCI Indonesia Tbk. (DCII), a data center provider company that she co-founded with Toto Sugiri.

Dewi Kam

In the second place of the richest women in Indonesia, there is Dewi Kam. Forbes records her wealth at US$4.9 billion (Rp78.01 trillion).

She owns a minority stake in Bayan Resources. Dewi is also listed in the offshore leaks database of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). Together with Mohamad Abdullah Jasin, she is affiliated with two companies domiciled in the British Virgin Islands and Samoa.

Furthermore, the 73-year-old woman is listed as a shareholder of Birken Universal Corporation and Director of Savill Universal Ltd located in the British Virgin Islands, and a shareholder of Overseas Finance Ltd located in Samoa. She is known to be a nominee director of Execorp Limited, and nominee Shareholder of Portcullis Nominees (BV) Limited, and Sharecorp Limited.

Additionally, according to a report from the Indonesia Corruption Watch, Dewi Kam is also listed as a shareholder of Birken Universal Corporation in the British Virgin Islands and has a role in the Cilacap Power Plant in Karangkandri Village, Cilacap, Central Java. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources data states that the Cilacap Power Plant project was developed by PT Sumber Segara Primadaya (S2P).

Elaine Low

The daughter of Indonesia’s coal king officially became the richest woman in Indonesia after receiving a gift of shares from Low Tuck Kwong, the owner of Bayan Resources (BYAN). Dato’ Low Tuck Kwong transferred or gifted 7,333,333,700 shares, equivalent to 22% of his ownership, to his youngest daughter, Elaine Low. The value of the shares is equivalent to Rp 144.46 trillion based on a share price of Rp 19,700 per share on December 3, 2024.

Elaine Low is actively involved in the development of Bayan Resources’ business as a director in several companies. She is known for her philanthropy and donations. In 2011, she donated Rp 6.8 billion to Japan when the country was hit by an earthquake and tsunami.

In addition, she handed over the Rp 6.8 billion check to the Japanese Ambassador, hoping her contribution would help alleviate the burden of the victims.

According to Manhattan.sg, Elaine graduated from The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in 2014. That year, Manhattan Resources Limited announced Elaine Low’s appointment to the Board of Directors. Elaine Low: Profil dan Prestasi Seorang Pengusaha Sukses

Elaine Low, seorang wanita yang diangkat kembali menjadi direktur non-eksekutif dan non-independen pada tanggal 24 April 2017, merupakan salah satu contoh pengusaha sukses di Singapura. Selain menjabat sebagai direktur, Elaine Low juga pernah tergabung dalam asosiasi akuntan profesional dan merupakan anggota Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.

Inisiatif Penggabungan Hotel Bintang 5 dan Rumah Sakit
Salah satu pencapaian gemilang Elaine Low adalah menjadi inisiator penggabungan hotel bintang 5 dan rumah sakit untuk perusahaan The Farrer Park Company di Singapura. Perusahaan ini bergerak di sektor kesehatan dan gaya hidup, dan terkait dengan gurita bisnis Low Tuck Kwong, seperti yang dikutip dari Forbes.

Investor Utama di SEAX Global
Selain terlibat dalam perusahaan The Farrer Park Company, Elaine Low juga merupakan investor utama di SEAX Global. Perusahaan ini bergerak di sektor infrastruktur dan konektivitas TIK berbasis Singapura. SEAX Global membangun sistem kabel laut untuk konektivitas internet yang menghubungkan Singapura, Indonesia, dan Malaysia.

Dengan prestasi dan kontribusinya dalam dunia bisnis, Elaine Low merupakan contoh yang inspiratif bagi para pengusaha muda di Singapura. Kiprahnya sebagai pengusaha sukses dan investor utama dalam berbagai sektor bisnis menunjukkan dedikasi dan komitmen yang tinggi dalam mengembangkan perusahaan serta berkontribusi dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.

Dengan demikian, Elaine Low adalah sosok yang patut diapresiasi atas kontribusinya dalam dunia bisnis dan ekonomi. Semoga kisah suksesnya dapat menjadi motivasi bagi generasi muda untuk terus berusaha dan berinovasi dalam mencapai kesuksesan yang diimpikan.

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